Nature is full of surprises. From the variety of geographical mechanisms to the organisms living in it, nature is astounding to study . The blossom of a flower , a reproductive organ, evolves with one primary purpose - to attract pollinators like insects or birds. This function is the major reason that some flowers have come to resemble various figures, plants or animals. The colours of these flamboyant flowers attract insects and birds, indicating that these flowers are full of tasty nectar. Their shapes, on the other hand, often evolve to attract or accommodate specific pollinators while dissuading parasites or other, less desirable pollinators. So when Mother nature plays around, something wonderful results! Let us have a look at these 7 flowers that bear an uncanny resemblance to animals. 1.MONKEY ORCHID: The scientific name of this flower is Dracula Simia and the common name is the monkey orchid or the monkey dracula. These aptly nam...