It is said that a great book can truly change a child’s life forever. The worlds that are encountered when a child opens a book for the first time are delightful, informative and downright magical. Whether it’s read aloud by a parent or covertly under the covers past bedtime or assigned as class reading – children’s books can capture the imagination more than any other genre. In these times of advanced technology, children are known to get addicted to the screens, leaving parents with an excuse that they don’t like to read. But, there is no such thing as a child who doesn’t like reading; you only need to hand them the right book to fire up their reading habits. We are living in the golden age of young-adult literature when books written apparently for teens are equally adored by adults. Here are a few such books which according to me fall in this category. 1. WINNIE THE POOH: Written by A.A. MILNE, Winne the Pooh is a collection of short stories. These stories are a...